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Midnight Owl Fuzzy Coloring Poster - For Kids and Adults

Your Price:
$9.48 (You save $2.71)
Product Size:
15.75 x 19.75 Inches
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  • Product Description

    Did you know... an Owl's eye color indicates when they prefer to hunt! For example, Owls that have dark brown or black eyes, such as the Barred owl, are nocturnal and prefer to hunt at night. Owls with yellow eyes, such as the Snowy Owl, show that they prefer to hunt during the daytime.

    The cool thing is though, with this unique Midnight Owl Velvet Coloring Poster, YOU get to decide their eye color along with magnificent feathers, mountains, and night sky! Let your imagination run free as you choose your very own colors with the fuzzy coloring poster.


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